My life has been full of many experiences that have been of great value in making me who I am. As I look back on my life time spent
In 2010 I was lucky enough to draw the Utah Desert Sheep Sportsman's Tag. I spent the first day calling friends, and
Merlynn Jones
Provo, Utah
hunting and being with nature are treasured beyond measure. I have been fortunate to have been on four desert sheep hunts when my brother, son, son-in- law, and nephew were the fortunate ones that had the hunting permit. I was invited "on the mountain with them" to be of assistance where I could. On all four occasions the guides were Brett Caldwell and or Randy Johnson. Having hunted wild sheep for nearly 35 years I can say without any hesitation that Randy and Brett are the most qualified sheep guides that I know. Being in their company and learning from them each time has made me appreciate their professionalism.
It is difficult for me to express my feelings when seeing the joy and accomplishment come to those that are close to me successfully taking a Utah desert ram. I will never forget seeing the shouts of joy through a spotting scope and hearing the echo through the desert canyons of both my son and son in law. Later, seeing tears of joy spill down my son's face will never be forgotten. Treasured moments like these will be carried with me forever.
Thanks to both Randy and Brett for making life better through my hunting experiences while being with them.
family, telling them of the great news. The next day I made a phone call to Randy Johnson. I knew a guide would not be an option for me on this hunt, but I wanted to pick Randy's brain. Randy's knowledge, integrity, and ability to judge sheep is second to none. He helped me make good decision, gave me great advice, and eventually became a GOOD Friend. If you are going to Sheep Hunt, you better call Randy and his HIGH DESERT TEAM! Thanks Randy for your willingness to help out a new Sheep Hunter.Mike RadfordSpringville, Ut
Anywhere you hunt for desert sheep it is bound to be a tough, challenging environment. Utah's sheep units are
considered to contain some of the meanest terrain in North America. HIGH DESERT WILD SHEEP GUIDES have been scouting and guiding for big rams in Utah for longer than anyone I personally know. Randy Brett and Bryant love doing what they is a passion for them to be out in the desert helping hunters achieve success. As a hunter you will not only experience a world class "Once In A Lifetime Experience, but will gain lifetime friends.
Steve & Judy Perry
Lindon, Utah
My desert hunt sheep on Utah's Escalante Unit was the most difficult but most rewarding hunt of my life. HIGH
DESERT WILD SHEEP GUIDES Randy Johnson and Brett Caldwell were very patience with me until we got it done! I would highly recommend them to any one that has ever coveted a sheep tag. In my opinion they are the best sheep guides in Utah.
Gary Brewer
SLC, Utah
My Utah rocky bighorn sheep hunt began a little different than most with a phone call from the UDWR in August
I was fortunate to draw a 3/4 Utah Desert Sheep tag at the FNAWS Convention, (now WSF) in Reno. I met a lot of
explaining to me that a draw tag hunter and turned in their Nine Mile Range Creek sheep tag and I was the alternate to receive the tag! I called Randy Johnson of HIGH DESERT knowing well that it was very late in the game to try and book a guided sheep hunt since hunters had drawn their tags in April. Randy assured me that he would fit me into his already busy fall sheep guiding schedule. On the opening day of my hunt, due to Randy's knowledge of the unit, he was able to locate a great ram. Because of the rams difficult location in the cliffs we were not able to take a shot at the ram that day. At daybreak the next morning Randy took me to a shortcut through the rugged cliffs that he had scouted previously on this unit. We finally got into a position where I could take the shot and my ram was down. Randy worked very hard for me and I really appreciate all his efforts on an unforgettable hunt. A Special Thanks to Randy's good friend Ken Davis, who was also there on the hunt. I highly recommend HIGH DESERT WILD SHEEP GUIDES to anyone.
Brett Miller
SLC, Utah
Utah based outfitters that night, received their business cards, videos, and continued on with my celebration. I met Randy Johnson for the second time at the airport the next morning waiting for my flight home. I knew from just talking with Randy that morning that he would be guiding me in the fall. I went on 2 intense backpack scouting trips with Randy that spring and had a great time seeing some new country. I started counting down the days until my hunt. When September arrived Randy had a well thought out plan devised for hunting my ram, and everything was ready to go. On the first morning we scoured the canyons of the Kaiparowitz Unit for sheep, finally locating a very nice ram near sundown. We were not able to get within shooting range that night but were fortunate to find the ram in the same vicinity at daybreak the next day. Randy outlined a route through the cliffs to get me into shooting range and I was finally able to finish my lifelong goal of taking all 4 species of North American Wild Sheep. I have been on many outfitted hunts over over the globe, and I cannot say enough about Randy's abilities as a sheep guide. He is an excellent outdoorsman and has a vast knowledge of the sheep and the county they inhabit. And if you are lucky enough to hunt with Randy Johnson and HIGH DESERT some day, I am sure that you will also become good friends for life............
Chuck Jenkins
Los Angeles, California